The Opentop Incubation Program starts with the selected startups
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04.10.2022. Opentop, the open innovation hub of Valenciaport, started yesterday its first incubation Program with four startups that will resolve the challenges of the logistic-port sector proposed last June.
Opentop, an initiative led by the Fundación Valenciaport with the support of Telefónica Open Future, launched for this program four interesting challenges, obtaining big support of the national and international entrepreneurial ecosystem and catching the attention of more than 50 startups.
During several weeks, a professional committee made up by representatives of the Fundación Valenciaport, Telefónica Open Future and profiles of reference of the sector, evaluated every candidature presented to make a first preselection of 12 startups. These presented their projects during the “Pitch Day”, celebrated the last 22 of September in the Opentop facilities, also in front of a jury formed by specialists in the sector and experts in innovation and entrepreneurship.
The startups of the I Opentop Incubation Program
In the challenge presented by the Port Authority of Valencia, whose objective was to bring the port closer to the citizens by the use of gamification, the selected startup was Metric Salad. Its solution, MetaPort, is an extended reality product that allows the ports to make their activities known through interactive and immersive activities (showrooms, 360º contents, augmented reality, etc.) Thanks to this initiative, every port of the world will be able to have their own metaverse supported by a blockchain net, where the user can access as both a citizen user and an empresarial user.
Regarding the challenge proposed by TransBase SOLER, directed towards the creation of the container of the future, the selected startup was Desafío en Azul, which presented its solution Recontainer, a container format with three uses: recyclables, reusables and economically returnables. The final objective of this project is to give a sustainable exit to the containers avoiding the issues that its accumulation produces in port and industrial zones and the relocalization of empty containers.
The last two challenges were proposed by Opentop. One of them with the objective of moving forward to a zero net emissions port, in which the startup We Are Lab was selected, with their service Nereidas Valenciaport. Its proposal is based on the regeneration of marine biodiversity in commercial and sport ports through artificial reefs made through 3D printing, with the use of biochar, the only material that comes from biomass with a negative carbon footprint.
Finally, in the challenge of improving the information exchange between the stakeholders of the logistic chain, Code Contract is the startup that will face this challenge with Trackline, a digital solution that coordinates every stakeholder of the chain requesting and collecting information in an automated way. Every action is registered in a blockchain network in order to guarantee the immutability of the data. Thanks to the use of these disruptive technologies, they achieve a complete traceability of the chain assuring the transparency in the exchange of information and, at the same time, guaranteeing the privacy and security of the data.
In addition to the four startups that have accessed the program from the call for challenges, there is also NAVEL, a spin-off of the Fundación Valenciaport and Infoport, which was created to design, develop and market software for state-of-the-art digital services, which will optimize port logistics transactions and management.
It is worth mentioning the eight finalist startups, that also presented their innovative solutions during the “Pitch day” and were highly valued by the jury: Swearit, Liight, Noubox, Triangulator, Xper Converters, Kerionics, Dojo and Navozyme.
The startups of the I Opentop Incubation Program
The four selected startups started yesterday evening the incubation program that will allow them, during 3 months, to have access to a personalized program, with expert and qualified mentors of the logistic-port industry, and mentors of areas like business, sales and communication, selected according to their necessities to maximize their media impact and develop their projects.
Furthermore, the incubated startups will have access to both the companies of the Port of Valencia cluster to validate their initiatives, and the investment ecosystem of Telefónica Open Future to find funding opportunities
Opentop, an initiative led by the Fundación Valenciaport with Telefónica Open Future continues its work and objective of boosting open innovation in the logistic-port sector. In the next few weeks, Opentop will launch the I Call for the Acceleration Program, designed to develop the growth of startups and projects in more advanced stages, with new challenges to which the startups of the ecosystem will be able to present their solutions.