by Imad Hachemi | Jan 31, 2024 | Events
LATEST NEWS Jorge Marcos, Lead Project Manager at Opentop, “The Business Growth Program is focused on the growth of the company regardless of the stage it is in” 31/01/2024. [SPANISH BELOW] We talked about innovation, technology, entrepreneurship,...
by Imad Hachemi | Jan 16, 2024 | Events
LATEST NEWS “Situational awareness of port police in the port of Valencia: the case of dangerous goods”, Valenciaport challenge for Opentop’s Business Growth Program 10/01/2024. Opentop recently launched a new challenge for its Business Growth Program, continuing its...
by Imad Hachemi | Dec 21, 2023 | Events
LATEST NEWS “Adapting ports to climate change”, Arsinoe’s challenge for Opentop’s Business Growth Program 21/12/2023. Opentop launched yesterday the first of the challenges of its new Business Growth Program, as part of its strategy to continue...
by Imad Hachemi | Dec 4, 2023 | Events
LATEST NEWS Opentop startups Canonical Green and We Are Lab obtain grants from the City Council of Valencia worth €93,000 each The startups, participants in Opentop’s programs, were selected to receive a grant of up to 93,362.84€ each The Opentop team presented,...
by Imad Hachemi | Nov 27, 2023 | Events
LATEST NEWS How do I perform a SWOT analysis in my startup? 27/11/2023. If you are an entrepreneur you’ve probably come across the term SWOT analysis, but do you know what SWOT stands for? And do you know why is this such an important analysis tool? What is a SWOT...
by Imad Hachemi | Oct 27, 2023 | Events
LATEST NEWS The Port Entrepreneurship International Congress of Opentop consolidates open innovation in the sector Opentop, an initiative led by the Valenciaport Foundation, held the Port Entrepreneurship International Congress within the framework of the Valencia...