Gandolapp, startup accelerated in Opentop, performs a proof of concept of its technology in the Port of València
28/07/2023. Last Wednesday, July 26, the startup Gandolapp, accelerated at Opentop, Valenciaport’s innovation hub, conducted a proof of concept at the Port of Valencia with road transport company Logística Chema Ballester and CSP Spain’s container terminal.
The objective was to validate the technological and practical feasibility of Gandolapp’s solutions to efficiently plan and execute the collection of containers, considering the particularities of each transport company and its drivers, as well as the dynamics of the container yard in a terminal.
The purpose of the Gandolapp platform tested in this proof of concept is to minimize removals (unwanted container movements in the terminal), reduce waiting times and reduce emissions in queues, among other aspects.
In addition to testing the user interfaces of the terminal and the transport company, Gandolapp tested its mobile application with voice assistant on the phones of the drivers participating in the test, which facilitates the driver’s communication with the control center at all times.
A comprehensive test plan was followed, including both tests in normal situations and disruptions in the planning during the execution phase, which required to act dynamically, readjusting the priority of each container in real time, and communicating the container to be picked up to the driver through the voice assistant.
Among the main objectives of Opentop’s acceleration program is to facilitate connections and entry into the port logistics ecosystem for those startups wishing to develop in the sector.
Gandolapp is currently tackling one of the challenges proposed by Opentop, which seeks solutions for the automatic planning of inland container transport.
On this occasion, the startup has been able to count on the collaboration of two major national and international logistics companies.
Those responsible for this proof of concept, executed by the founders of the company Carlos Rosales and José Manuel Juan, for the resolution of the problems of predictability of trucks operating with the CSP terminal and unproductive movements point out that, through the test it is concluded that proactive planning in the collection of containers and increased visibility can reduce unproductive movements in double digits percentage and improve the experience for carriers, in time and costs.
Lorena Ballester, Director of the Logística Chema Ballester, points out that “thanks to solutions such as the one we have been able to test in the proof of concept, we can optimize the operation of our trucks, reducing waiting times, unnecessary queues and emissions”.
From CSP Spain, both Ignacio Huet, IT Director, and Dimitris Soulos, Process Engineer and TOS Expert, highlight the importance of “a container terminal being able to determine the priority with which the collection of containers is planned, and as we have seen with this test, being able to plan more efficiently the terminal’s truck traffic, which allows optimizing the entire process”.
In the coming weeks, a second and third phase will be carried out with new test cases that will demonstrate the potential of Gandolapp’s platform.
Opentop is the open innovation initiative of the Fundación Valenciaport, which seeks to generate growth and opportunities in the port logistics sector of Valencia, bringing together companies, entrepreneurs and startups with different actions such as this new proof of concept. Gandolapp participates in the Opentop Acceleration Program together with the startups DMS Logistics, Canonical Green and Sensing Tools.
The Opentop team, after successfully completing this test, continues to seek and generate projects and alliances with all those partners in the port logistics sector who want to develop open innovation projects.
If you want to discover more about Opentop Valenciaport innovation HUB and its initiatives, take a look at our website!