Sensing Tools, facing the challenge of the Port of Valencia for daily port traffic prediction
22/03/2023. Sensing Tools is currently facing one of the challenges of Opentop’s I Startup Acceleration Program. In this case, the challenge partner is the Port Authority of Valencia, who is looking for solutions for the prediction of daily port traffic.
We chatted with Sensing Tools team about their proposal for this challenge and about their experience as part of the Opentop ecosystem.
How would you define your company?
Our proposal allows, in a differential and simple way, to integrate physical sensors (IoT, remote sensing, open data…) together with what we call social sensors (SMA), in a single centralized database to obtain a 360 vision (past, present and future) of any relevant environment. Thanks to this, we generate the highest quality Business Intelligence for your business and all, obviously, with a visualization system suited to the needs of our customers, through a digital twin of the environment to be monitored and a complete but very simple and intuitive dashboard from which to coordinate everything.
In that sense, we would like to point out that we are delighted to be able to participate in Opentop’s acceleration program, especially for the visibility and networking network that it is allowing us to build. Undoubtedly, a great opportunity for the moment in which we find ourselves.
The Port Authority of Valencia, as a challenge partner of Opentop, wanted to be able to predict daily port traffic based on the application of digital technologies, integrating data from multiple different sources. Is this a need that other ports already have?
Without a doubt, predicting daily port traffic using digital technologies and integrating data from multiple sources is a need that many ports are currently exploring. In fact, there are already several ports around the world that are implementing similar solutions to optimize their operations and improve efficiency. We are confident that the fantastic experience that the Port Authority of Valencia will gain from our results will be a platform for expansion to other port facilities nationally and internationally.
Overall, leveraging digital technologies to predict daily port traffic is a promising area for improving port efficiency and competitiveness. It is a trend that is likely to continue as more ports seek to modernize their operations and stay ahead of the competition.
What is the differential value that Sensing Tools offers when it comes to solving this challenge?
That is the question that we took care to solve before the launch of our company, as we were aware that we were entering a market of large and relevant international players. Our team prides itself on offering a unique and innovative solution that combines data obtained through physical sensors with citizen feedback to provide a comprehensive 360º view of our clients’ businesses in real time. From the beginning, we do not intend to achieve any other objective than to identify the critical variables of each data system, validate and harmonize them, so that a predictive model is built at the beginning with what is strictly necessary and crucial, with only that which really facilitates the work of the manager, and not flood the latter with devices and data, often unconnected, that generate noise and far from helping, impair the reading of reality and efficient prediction.
Therefore, the differential value of our solution lies mainly in the use of advanced Data Science and AI techniques to analyze any type of information collected from IoT devices and open data sources, regardless of their type. But our value proposition goes further, as we are able to combine this data with social network analysis, i.e. citizen opinion, to provide a holistic view of what is happening in and around our clients’ businesses.
Another differentiating factor with respect to other solutions is our ability to provide real-time information that allows our clients to make informed decisions quickly. In addition, our solution is highly customizable, and we work closely with our customers to tailor our software to their specific needs, ensuring that they get the maximum value from it.
What were your motivations for joining the Opentop ecosystem?
We had two main motivations for joining the Opentop ecosystem. The first is that, since before we were born as a company, we identified the ports vertical as one of the ones where we could contribute the most value. However, gaining access to the port ecosystem is not an easy task, so Opentop was a unique opportunity to gain such access.
The second was that we could not miss the opportunity to prove that our value proposition has a place in the market. By solving the Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia challenge, we can iterate our MVP and adapt it with the greatest guarantees to the needs of the ports.
What services and experiences have brought you the most from this Acceleration Program?
The truth is that there are a lot of services and experiences that have brought us a lot of value from the first moment in the Opentop program. Let’s mention some of them, in no particular order, as it would be very difficult for us to order them. The fact that we have been allowed to accompany Opentop in their stand and to pitch in relevant events such as 4YFN or ecoMobility, the help they are giving us in the search for funding, the mentoring sessions with top profiles of the sector, the networking events with different agents of national and international port entities and the ability to validate our MVP and our business model with partners of great relevance, allowing us to better understand what are all their challenges.
What is your assessment of your time at Opentop so far?
We are turning all the initial overflowing illusion into a fantastic real experience from a professional point of view that allows us to get to know a market that is vital for us.
We were aware of the enormous potential, but the reality exceeds the best-case scenario, and the quality and dedication of the Opentop team is undoubtedly very important. As mentioned above, the possibilities and opportunities provided by Opentop are allowing us to iterate our MVP, better understand the challenges of the port, better orient our business model and generate an impact from minute 0 in a partner as important as the Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia.
What would you say to a startup that is thinking of joining the Opentop ecosystem?
Undoubtedly, if you can, do not miss the opportunity to participate in the Opentop ecosystem. Having the possibility to get in to learn and grow in a system such as the port activity is the best testing ground imaginable.
The direct contact with port customers, the networking that you can generate in all the events in which we participate, the visibility that gives all the startups that participate in their programs, the possibility to continue iterating your product from the hand of end customers as powerful as the Autoridad Portuaria de Valencia, the mentoring with profiles of great talent and experience and the predisposition of the Opentop team to help in everything that is necessary, make this program a unique opportunity to guide and scale your startup and your business model.
Finally, I would just like to thank you once again for all the work you do for us and for giving us visibility. We are passionate about helping companies leverage the power of data to make informed decisions and improve their operations.
It has been a pleasure to do this interview and we thank you for your interest in our company.
If you want to discover more about Opentop Valenciaport innovation HUB and its initiatives, take a look at our website!